This study was conducted to find out the social factors affecting effective teaching and learning in senior secondary schools. The purpose of the study is to identify the factors affecting the effective teaching and learning of Accounting in secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area. The research design of the study was descriptive survey design. The population of the study was ten thousand, nine hundred (10,900) students and seventy-five (75) teachers in the senior secondary schools. One hundred and fifty (150) teachers and students were sampled in five selected schools. The instrument used for data collection was structured questionnaires. The validity and reliability of the instrument were tested. Data collected were presented in a table, mean and frequency distributions were used to analyse the data. The findings show that teaching and learning of Accounting in our secondary schools are affected by unqualified Accounting teachers, poor method of teaching, inadequate instructional materials and attitudes and interest of the teachers and students. Based on the findings some recommendations were made thus Employment of Accounting teachers by the government through the ministry of education should be strictly based on merit so as to make it possible for only those who studied the course to be appointed.